My computer started beeping

I actually fell asleep at the keyboard, and was awakened by beeping. Went to all my virtual desktops and didn’t see anything running. I closed my browser because I wondered if it might be coming from one of the tabs. That didn’t help. I almost re-booted. Decided to look at running processes and saw gnome-clocks. Killed the process and it stopped. Looked at ‘clocks’ app and there was an alarm for 10:15PM. So as a test, I set an alarm for one min past now. Sure enough it started making the same repeating beeping noise. So I set it again and closed the app. Sure enough is started beeping. That’s cool and useful, but I always assumed the app needed to be opened. I know that wouldn’t be nearly as useful, but that’s what I thought. I have other apps that need to run but if I close them thy just go to the system tray where you can see them, so you realize they’re actually still running. But gnome-clocks doesn’t do that so I assumed, it’s not running if you close it. I also realized (now in hindsight) I could have stopped it by responding to a notification in the system tray at the bottom. But I don’t remember setting an alarm. I could have also given it a name like “Go to bed”. But surely I would have remembered doing that. The only logical explanation is I had set it in the past then earlier when I used the “Timer”, which I often do for a short reminder and somehow I turned on the “Alarm”. I use the “Timer” for a quick reminder, for example, to let my dog back in, in 10 minutes. Because I can easily get lost in what I’m doing. I only use the “Timer” for short reminders where I’ll be sitting at my computer, because it’s just one quick tone, and if I walked away, I could easily miss it. Where as the alarm repeats constantly.