My daughter couldn’t call me and I got “Your phones not registered on a network” message trying to call her. Turns out it was a nationwide problem that mostly affected AT&T networks. And I was on Cricket which uses the AT&T network.
Monthly Archives: February 2024
Old game show with computer
On “I’ve Got A Secret”, The secret was “I’m having my 1957 income tax figured out in 22 seconds” an “electronic brain”, as Gary Moore (the host) referred to it, was on stage. There also was a card reader and line printer. The guest was Mr. David Hemmes an IBM mathematician. Garry said it “was …
Further proof that I’m right about Pascal typed variables
Specifically pre-initializing arrays in the const section. Wasn’t even looking for this… honest. But I decided it’s probably best that I teach myself Pascal OOP, rather than listen to an instructor who is not particularly interested in doing things new ways… because it might break his code. So I have this Pascal book in my …
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Google IDX
Looks VSCodeish, will keep an eye on this. Some info here also. Why does the old TV show called Who do you Trust?, come to mind? However as many people pointed out, Google has a habit of abandoning things.
The Udemy Lazarus instructor IS getting annoyed with me
After laying out my case. His response was “You have to remember that since I’ve been programming Pascal since the mid-80s and Delphi since its launch in 94, I have accumulated huge libraries of code, so I am not at all keen on breaking backward compatibility for the sake of incorporating new syntax“. Except it’s …
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A disagreement with the Udemy Lazarus instructor
In taking this course the instructor describes using “Typed constants” to pre-initialize arrays. These “constants” can later be changed. Well doesn’t that nullify the meaning of constants? So I took his example and moved the pre-initalized array out of the const section and moved it to the var section. As far as I could tell …
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Why so many re-logins?
Very odd. Amazon, bitwarden and WordPress required me to log back in. None of those accounts are related.
version, -version or –version?
Pascal Oddities
It appears that UpCase() and LowerCase() are built in.There is also a UpperCase() but it’s requires the sysutils library.The example for LowerCase() includes a “uses sysutils” but it works without it.So there is an UpCase() AND UpperCase(), but only a LowerCase()…No LowCase() In looking at an old Pascal program, I wrote a Right() function that …
YouTube made some appearance changes
Smaller home page previews…the style looks like Wait… isn’t the little guy supposed to copy the big guy? Speaking of odysee, I find I constantly have to sign back in. Even worse, there’s no password like every other site, so I can’t simply use my password manager. No… I have to open a email, …