
Because I’m playing with Lazarus again, I wanted a taste (not a deep dive right now) of the Python way …PyQt and the Qt Designer.

So I’m following the Tech with Tim, PyQt tutorial and he actually starts using the designer in the 3d video.

pip install pyqt5
pip install pyqt5-tools

The 3rd video in the series tells you how to do the following. But the first 2 are good background info.

Create a link to QTdesigner in my working directory. It was installed when I did the pip install..
ln -s /home/bill/MyStuff/Python3/QT5/Tim/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qt5_applications/Qt/bin/designer designer

So this will give you an idea of the designer.

Pretty cool. Looks very Visual Basic or Delphi like.

Took a minute but I finally found pyuic5 in “env/bin/”, which is needed to convert the .ui file into Python code.

The second video shows you how to respond to an event. But he doesn’t actually respond to the event after the 3rd video, which would have been nice!

I think this may not be as in depth, but in 8 min, you use the designer AND modify the generated Python program to respond to a button click. It’s very simple and just prints to the console, but I like simple when learning a concept.