For Windows 2000, it’s back to VirtualBox

I Installed Windows 2000 SP4 using virt-manager and still had video problems. In googling it seems possible using QEMU on the command line with about 3 lines of switches. If it was possible with virt-manager… I couldn’t find it. You know I just want to print out some calendars. I’m more interested in doing a task than learning about all these switches. Then I remembered I saved the VirtualBox Windows 2000 image, it was a tar.gz with a 2017 date. So I copied it to disk. Reinstalled VirtualBox, and tried to open it. That’s when VirtualBox tells me “Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot” Really? I googled a little and it seems like it doesn’t work if you used QEMU/KVM (which I did) in this startup. All I had to do was reboot. And it worked. After getting my Win 2000 password from my password manager. I logged in, the screen resolution was fine, the color depth was fine. See below (running fullscreen), looks just like it’s running natively. And the programs I used back then were already installed. So that was a pretty stupid message VirtualBox gave me.

The sad part is how much my mom loved this calendar that listed significant family birthdays and anniversaries. I’d send her the PDF and she’d print it out and put it on her refrigerator. And now I have to add my beloved mom as deceased. She was a great mom, and I miss her.