Testing SDLTRS with trs80-tool output

So I took a known good cassette file startrek.cas and converted it to a wav file, because that is what audacity will create from the MP3 file, that my new cassette player (still waiting for) will create. I then took that wav file and converted it to a new .cas file

./trs80-tool convert startrek.cas startrek.wav
./trs80-tool convert startrek.wav output.cas

A good sign…output.cas is the same size as startrek.cas.

I successfully CLOADed and ran, the new .cas file
I also successfully CLOADed and ran, the new .wav file I created…a cool feature of SDLTRS.

So when my new cassette player arrives I can hit the ground running. With SDLTRS I can completely bypass trs80-tool. I’m still glad I learned about it and it’s very cool itself.