Why are the emulated Apple machines BASIC startup screens different?

I don’t think Apple booted into BASIC with a startup screen that begins…LinApple

or…”Floating Point microBASIC” as in microM8
What is microBasic? If I google…I see this which points to a web page that doesn’t exist. It also says “features the most common BASIC commands such as PRINT, CLS, etc”. However CLS doesn’t work, but HOME which is the APPLE way of clearing the screen does. I only know this from watching some video.
So it seems that not only is the Hardware emulated…but the BASIC rom as well!
Probably they can’t use the real AppleSoft Basic because Apple still exists. But that wouldn’t stop them from showing a basic (pardon the pun) Apple appearing screen.
This makes them seem less of a true Apple to me. IMHO it takes away from the nostalgia. The TRS-80 emulators startup like a TRS-80. No tacky pat on the back….look this is our version of a TRS-80! Save that for a command line -version switch. Or use a key combo that wasn’t available on an Apple. You know like Alt+F1 or something like that.
As far as I can tell from watching real Apples on YouTube…the Apple II rom basic started with (after Ctrl+break) a blank screen and a “]” prompt at the bottom with a flashing cursor next to it.