
Just for the heck of it I modified (2 small changes) my gnuCOBOL prime number program to allow up to 5 million primes

4999823 4999849 4999867 4999871 4999879 4999889 4999913 4999933 4999949 4999957 4999961 4999963 4999999                                                        
  348513 primes up to  5000000 found.

real	0m4.968s
user	0m0.644s
sys	0m0.020s

348513 primes up to 5000000 found.

real [wall time including time to type 5000000 in and hit Enter]
user [execution time which includes the time it took to write 348,513 prime #s to screen]

A little more than half a second.