Created better EBCDIC Basic-Plus conversion program

I believe it’s more readable and efficient than my first attempt. I translated my julia style EBCDIC table to a more convential Basic way by using DATA statements. I didn’t borrow Jay’s data statement’s like I said I might. Mainly because he used hexadecimal values in his program. To me that’s an extra conversion step I didn’t want. So I just use regular base 10. Once the table was built I use the handy XLATE function to do the conversion. Due to my Basic-Plus rust I totally misunderstood it’s use at first. I was making it way more complicated than it was.

Anywho the result was (I constructed this EBCDIC test string)…

250 EHELLO$=CHR$(200)+CHR$(133)+CHR$(147)+CHR$(147)+CHR$(150)+CHR$(64)+C
HR$(241)+CHR$(242)+CHR$(243) !EBCDIC “HELLO 123”

This EBCDIC string prints like this…

And it translated perfectly!

I honestly don’t remember how we handled the EBCDIC conversion where I worked. I do seem to remember DATA statements. However I can’t say if we used the XLATE command. These routines were already in place when I started programming there so I just used what was there.