Raspberry Pi, PiDP-11 stuff…one more time!

Ok after some interaction with the Google PiDP-11 group. Someone asked the same question a little over 6 months ago, about failing to connect to the Raspberry Pi B+. He never said if he got it to work. So I just tagged onto his question.

It seems that I probably shouldn’t try to run the desktop OS on my 2014 Raspberry Pi B+. So I installed Raspberry Pi OS Lite. The PiDP-11 install didn’t end as cleanly as the desktop install but I assume it’s because there is no desktop LXDE. Here are the last few messages…

Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-13+rpt2+rpi1+deb11u5) …
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) …
/opt/pidp11/install/install.sh: 20: cannot create /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart: Directory nonexistent
-bash: ​: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/pidp11 $

I rebooted and could get to the command line using HDMI or SSH. I got the PiDP-11/70 boot menu I showed last install. I could also exit (I couldn’t before) this menu with Ctrl-A d.

It’s still somewhat slow…but not unbearable.

I really want to use this old Pi. Because the prices for new Pi’s are ridiculous because of chip shortages, which causes…Raspberry Pi shortages!