Wayback Machine – My old website

Wikipedia says the Wayback Machine which archives old web sites, launched to the public in 2001. Looked up my old site starting from 2001…Working Web Designs. I hated that name because it implied that I was some type of web designer. It was just a place to play. So I changed the name to billslittlewebsite.com. Found a old text based Log file from 2004, that I changed to this current format…Wordpress. The 1st log entry at the bottom was from 1998 where I installed Linux a Bank I was working at. A log entry near the bottom says I started this web site (under the old name) in Dec of 2000. Looks like I was playing with PostgreSQL at the time.

Original home page https://web.archive.org/web/20010719114828/http://www.workingwebdesigns.com:80/

My design skills haven’t improved much. That’s just not an area that has ever thrilled me. However I do use CSS more now. So newer stuff works on a phone.