Sweet Home 3D

Need to rip out my ratty old carpet and wanted to visualize a large area rug in my living room. So I first started looking at CAD software. Truthfully it’d be faster/quicker just to draw it out…but where’s the fun in that. I first downloaded the LibreCAD-2.2.0 appimage. And then I remembered a program I found/used for a project my daughter had several years ago. After some googling I found it. It’s called Sweet Home 3D. It’s free and very cool for this type of project. After designing your layout you can create a 3-D walkthru video. It’ll be much cooler and it has furniture models and many other objects you can add for a much better feel for how the space will look. I really can’t wait to look at it again. LibreCAD will have to wait.

I use to have a unfounded prejudice against using Java programs. But I put that aside when I started using the z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator a few months ago.

This was my 2nd and successful attempt to start it…

However there are 2 different executable programs, The above is SweetHome3D-Java3D-1_5_2. My 1st try using SweetHome3D…gave me…