Super Star Trek in FreeBasic

I’m converting the 1979 TRS-80 Level II Basic Super Star Trek program to run in FreeBasic using the Quick Basic option switch. This is a compiled Basic. So a tad faster than the emulated TRS-80. OK…mankind will not be better off for my efforts, but it’s a project and something to keep me off the streets…as they say. I’m trying to stay faithful and keep the line numbers in the program. The only improvement I made is adding instructions! I don’t need line numbers in Quick Basic. But since there are many GOTOs and GOSUBs it makes it easier. Also having a working TRS-80 emulator makes it much easier to compare the code. I’m just looking for the easiest way to duplicate the 1979 code. I’m not looking for bugs. But sometimes they just hit me in the face. Such as this statement…1040 R1=RND(8):IF RND(0)>=6 THEN 1070. The IF statement will never be TRUE, because RND(0) returns a number less than zero. I changed the 6 with .6, because there was a similar statement not far above it. The hardest part is changing the random functions. The format is different. And I must say I find the Quick Basic RND() operation…weird. I added instructions AFTER the main code. Have come a long way but not ready to say it’s finished. Below a few screen shots.