Go greenbar final touches?

Here it is. Added another hole at the bottom. Increased font size. Also successfully tested the executable, created on Mint on my Tumbleweed distribution. Go executables are supposed to be static self contained binaries and don’t depend on other libraries to run, so I expected that. Even though I ‘m way more familiar with Python than Go. The Go program is a better program. The Python program although it works…is kind of hacked together. The Python program took a long time to write. Because…
A) I found the PDF module complicated.
B) Because I would do a little then wait a long time before getting back to it. By that time I’d get back to it I’d forgot the little I did know.

On the other hand the Go program was completed in just a few days. However, having done the Python program I had a much better idea what I wanted the finished program to do. And Go’s PDF package was much easier to work with.