Go greenbar…more progress

Progress forward here. I was having a problem printing the 1st set of holes on the last page (keyward last)…fixed. It only was an issue on the last page. If I printed 50 pages…the holes printed properly on 49 pages. Sometimes you simply try something else. Which was how I solved the proceeding problem. I simply moved the hole printing after the line printing rather than before which logically didn’t make any sense since they are printed by position. Sometimes you just accept things and move on which is what I did here. I also padded the final page out with the remaining green/white segments.

One problem I may or may not address is the bottom margin. Technically line 60 should print at the very bottom. In this example I simply keep printing lines.

I say may or may not address because I’m going for the feeling of mainframe greenbar printout, not an exact match!