KDE Connect Firewall on OpenSuse

Heard a lot about this and wanted to play with it. Once I got my WiFi working…

This Desktop KDE Connect screen showed very little. The little red box (below) which is my phone was blank, which meant the big red box which shows the phone options was blank…except for a few vague messages.

I suspected Firewall issues. So I searched for a solution. And found this, straight from OpenSuse!

Well if you can find “Allowed Services” as mentioned in the 3rd bullet point above…then your a better man than I Gunga Din. Below is the Firewall screen I was shown.

However I did notice Public referenced in the next section. So I selected that on the left hand side of the screen above. This brought me to the expanded screen below. I scanned down on the Services tab and found kdeconnect and clicked the Add button in the middle and as you can see it moved over to the Allowed column on the right. Then I clicked the Accept button bottom right. Afterwards I saw the top screenshot from the desktop KDE app. Success! The android app also now allowed me to pair!

Next step…actually play with it!