I’ve been awakened!

In the span of a few weeks I have solved a couple of long standing problems I’ve had. And made decent advances in other unrelated areas.

  • I set Julia aside for a year because I wasn’t understanding a problem related to bytes and Unicode that I didn’t think should be a problem. Solved or at least understand it!
  • I set Lazarus and Free Pascal aside for over 10 years because of SQLite. Solved it!
  • While learning Lazarus had major problems with project files, to the point of almost giving up on it again. Solved it!
  • Tried a few times to learn enough Go to be productive but never stuck with it. I’ve recently dug back into it and now feel I’ve learned enough so it could be useful. Go actually played a small part in my Julia/unicode understanding, because the length function in Go returns the proper number of bytes as opposed to Julia. I now feel I have enough of a handle on Go to enable me to learn more easier!
  • Wanted to learn Javascript, attempted many times but never stuck with it either. However Udemy recently offered a free course in it. So it may be a good motivation.