Javascript Learning

I must have tried learning Javascript many, many times. Starting with O’Reilly books in the 1990s. Way before YouYube! I think the main reason I never stuck with Javascript is because in the past it was only used in web pages. And web design has never been a focus of mine. However because of node.js that hasn’t been true for many years now. But by that time I would always use Python.

Right now I’m using YouTube tutorials. I started with Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners which is a almost 3.5 hr FreeCodeCamp video. Now I’m sure this guy is knowledgable and could code Javascript circles around me. However his mistakes are distracting! He often shows a Javascript statement, then without running it tells you what it does…often wrong. One time he said @~18:00…11/3 is 9. No its 3.666666667. Of course a few little mistakes are not a reason to shoot down a video. But once again…just run the damn thing! Believe it or not the computer is better than you at executing Javascript statements! He also teaches a 7hr 44min FreeCodeCamp video called JavaScript Programming – Full Course, which I will skip for now. Perhaps it’s better than the other.

So I’ve moved to another tutorial called JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners. It’s from Brad you guessed it, Traversy of Traversy Media. These tutorials seem to be very good. The guy is knowledgeable and runs the code! It looks like his channel is 12 years old, with tons of videos covering many topics, He says he also has other javascript and javascript framework and node.js videos. So if you want to advance with him you would be familiar with his style. I found this video very inspirational, where he describes Programmer Stereotypes.

Another possibility is the 1hr 37min JavaScript Tutorial by Derek Banas. This guy knows so many languages but moves pretty fast, so be prepared to replay sections often.