Julia & VS Code

Found some odd behavior. I usually press F5 (because I’m lazy) to run my programs…and if I made no errors they seem to run fine. However the startup seems slow. Anyhoo because I’ve been working with Jupyter Notebooks a lot lately, out of force of habit I pressed <Shift><Enter> and the program ran very fast. This is not documented in the Run menu. However <Ctrl><F5> which says Run Without Debugging…is! So I thought perhaps <Shift><Enter> is an undocumented way to do <Ctrl><F5>…except!

When I press <Ctrl><F5> which says Run Without Debugging I get a message that begins “Warning: Package VSCodeDebugger does not have SQLite in its dependencies:”. Why do I get a message about debugging when I’m trying to Run Without Debugging?

And I don’t get this message when I try and run with debugging.

The best answer is probably that this extension is version 0.17.1.