Started new Linux Academy course

Saw this web article Tricks for Working with Data in Python, it looked interesting so I started the course Using Python for Data Management and Reporting. I always liked working with data so this seems like a good course to try. Topics covered Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Anaconda, pandas and dataframes, SQL, mongoDB, Working with Excel, LaTeX. These topics are also important in the data science field. So some things I’ve worked with…somethings I haven’t. Anaconda seems interesting. I briefly looked at Jupyter Notebooks while looking at Julia, but for some reason had problems seeing what all the fuss was about. So this course will help with that. Also looked at dataframes in Julia which I’m guessing took the idea from Python/Pandas.

I think a lot of people used Excel for some of this. And got locked into a inflexible proprietary solution. But in my short exploration of the Open Source solutions, Excel seems primitive by comparison. And I haven’t even mentioned Machine Learning! Still it may be interesting to work with Excel data.