openSUSE 13.1

openSUSE 13.1: Tried to install VLC again with “one click” install. Webpage had changed some. Noticed it defaulted to “Yast 1-click install” instead of the previous “apper”. This time it installed OK…but still having codec problems trying to play YouTube videos. Found a “one click” install for codecs. But once again it wanted to install an insane amount of dependencies, from things IMHO having nothing to do with codecs. Judging from my Google research this is an ongoing problem with openSUSE. Solution seems to be to use the VLC site itself instead of the openSUSE site. VLC has a “one click” install, but they still don’t for this version. So will wait again! This is very frustrating especially when you read all the glowing reviews. VLC is a very popular program. Installed Stellarium fine. Celestia install seems to go good but it dosen’t. The only thing the local search finds [after the so called install] is kde3-celestia.ymp…which just seems to reinstall it again with the same results. I guess I shouldn’t be an early adopter for openSUSE. I should wait a week or two for other people to smooth out problems. I can only assume it’s a openSUSE problem. After all it’s one-click and dosen’t require a great amount of thinking. Also some of the other programs install fine. Unless it’s a 64 bit problem?

I try install on real my hardware and a VM [which I assume duplicates the same virtual hardware for everyone]. I used Clonezilla for real hardware and VM Clone for the VM, so I can backout incomplete or weird installs. It’s extra work but I feel necessary while I wrap my head around openSUSE’s way of doing things.

openSUSE 13.1

Restore openSUSE 13.1 from a stable Clonezilla image. Tried to “one click” install of VLC again from openSUSE. The VLC site also has “one click” installs…but not for this version yet. This time failed “Dependency resolution failed”. Also tried to install with YAST2 but it wanted to download everything including the kitchen sink….77 MB of kdeartwork4-wallpapers? Bash and Digikam docs? Really? WTH! Will try again in a few days.

openSUSE 13.1

Download/Install openSUSE 13.1 64 bit. Linux Mint is basically headed by one person, and I felt it might be good to have another distro to fall back on. Suse is one of the oldest distros. Wanted to install Flash and VLC to start. Flash installed fine. VLC installed but wouldn’t play any of my existing YouTube videos.

Networking gave me a little problem. Wouldn’t work until I switched YAST>Network Settings>Global Options>User Controlled with Network Manager.

Running out of space

Running out of space on Linux Mint 13 [my primary distro] because of large ISO downloads and VMs. Used Gparted to increase space from 200GB to 310GB. Resized the home partition of another distro before this primary distro and slid forward then moved the 5GB swap forward which gave me another 100 GB. Used Clonezilla to backup primary distro /home before resizing. Currently dual booting 3 Linux’s and Windows. Plan to install openSUSE [ long term supported] when it is released in a few days. And later Linux Mint LTS. So just keep/update 2 Linux’s. The others can be tested in a VM.


Download install lightweight Linux distribution…Lubuntu. It uses the LXDE desktop environment. The 1st thing I noticed is in the browser, my mouse wheel doesn’t work to scroll. I use that all the time. If my PC was old I might use it. I read this comment from a user ” I use LXDE because it does just about enough and gets out of my way.” Really? I hadn’t noticed Cinnamon or KDE getting in my way. I’ll try XFCE next. I guess he’s more advanced than me.


Just made the greatest discovery…for a debian base distro. APTonCD will create a ISO of all your installed .deb packages. This ISO can then be burned to CD or DVD. Many new packages may be installed after the initial installation. This could amount to many MBs or GBs. It always bothered me that if you needed to reinstall you would have to manually download/reinstall all those programs again. Or if you wanted to recreate your setup for a friend or family member you would have to duplicate the effort again. What if you had a office with 20 PCs you wanted to set up exactly the same? This tool makes it easy. I tried Googling a solution like this before but with no luck, so I’m thrilled to find this program.

Worked on Check links. Some additions. Mostly deletions. Added link to Facebook & Twitter if exists. Added Address2 to remove extra info on address1 so maps would work correctly. Added many new logos.