AI in DuckDuckGo

Looks like they’re playing with it. They have a beta called DuckAssist that uses AI with Wikipedia. AI in search is set to be a big thing. I tried it using there own example “is Antarctica a country?”


Well I guess I should a least mention that ChatGPT which uses AI has been a talked about thing for a few months now. It’s like Alexa at first…very interesting. But you also realize it’s apparently woke! Which is very annoying. I think I read something about Microsoft’s Bing incorporating it into it’s search.

Camera battery update

Didn’t leave charging overnight. Resumed today. After a while charging light turned off. Put in camera and it seems fine. I’m very surprised. Next day update. With the charging issues I was a little concerned that it might not hold a charge. However the next day it still shows a full charge.