Build gnuCOBOL again

Pretty much followed my previous instructions. But added… gpg –verify gnucobol-3.1.2.tar.gz.siggpg –recv-key B9459D0CA8A740B323235CDF13E96B53C005604Egpg –verify gnucobol-3.1.2.tar.gz.sig configure: Dynamic loading: Systemconfigure: Use gettext for international messages: yesconfigure: Use fcntl for file locking: yesconfigure: Use math multiple precision library: gmpconfigure: screen I/O (no curses found): NOconfigure: Use Berkeley DB for INDEXED I/O: yesconfigure: Used for XML I/O: libxml2configure: …

3D Printing

I don’t think I’ve said anything about this before…but I’m interested in trying it someday when money is less of an issue. Seems like a strange interest for someone admittedly not very artistic/creative. But it’s a tech thing. And 3D printers are cheaper than I imagined.

An older Dave’s Garage video

I referenced another Dave video on Twitter in January. I tweeted…Very interesting “Dave’s Garage” YouTube video of how Microsoft’s Basic owes it’s beginnings to a 8008 simulator written by Paul Allen on the IBM 360. That particular section is below although the whole video is interesting.