Just a little sarcastic comment on how I honed my skills (what little I have) in computers, while working on my “craft”. I’m just mocking actors who are always talking about their “craft” or working on their “craft”. Like they’re doing humanity some great service. I could care less about actors honing their “craft” of pretending to be other people. My guess is there trying to take a job that doesn’t require a high IQ and make it sound harder than it is. Now my surgeon honing his/her craft is important!
Has there ever been a group of “working” people more willing to claim a word, than actors and the word “craft”? I put “working” in quotes because I question how much work, pretending to be other people is.
I kid you not but I was listening to a podcast on YouTube (the day after I posted this) and Steven Baldwin was praising Michael Madsen for “the respect that you have commanded as a result of your commitment to this craft”. I started listening because I like most everything I’ve seen Michael Madsen in. But come on, get over yourselves.
The comment is dated the 5th but I posted it around 11PM on the 4th. I guess it’s a time zone thing.
OK I just heard a podcast with Angie Dickson (who was no doubt beautiful… in her day), complaining about acting saying if she had to do it again, she might not have entered showbiz. She reflected on the immense hard work making movies, explaining that the hours are long. Immense hard work? Poor thing, she could have been doing something easy with shorter hours, like a waitress and being on her feet and dealing with the public for 8 hours. But instead she had to handle the extreme burden of pretending to be someone else. I’m sure long hours are often involved. But what do the hours entail? Waiting in your trailer at times while the set is being changed or another actor is doing their lines? A time maybe spent enjoying craft services… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craft_service.