Sort of? The github says “This repository houses a reconstructed version of UNIX as it existed around 1972, rather than an original 1st Edition UNIX image.” There are no PiDP-11 console lights. I guess the below errors are OK, because you can logon as ‘root’. Restoration github. Unix 1 commands. As you can see, I …
Monthly Archives: December 2024
Still no response, on my pidp11 issue
I reported 5 days ago, 80-90% of the time I don’t even bother to report bugs. But see this, where they say… “in case you have any problems, please fall back on that version (with feedback please!). Please? It’s not like they’re swamped fixing things.There are only 2 issues reported, mine being the newest.
A few more points on my failing PiDP simh OS
Because the Sysgen failed (in the past) when I did it on Open simh, and on a whim I successfully, completed it using regular simh. I did the Sysgen using PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current. However I run it with Open Simh. I just have to point out that the simh used with the PiDP-11, is …
Continue reading “A few more points on my failing PiDP simh OS”
My RSTS Still doesn’t work on the PiDP11
I re-SYSGENed on my computer, making the BUFF.SYS change, and it works perfectly on my simh PDP-11. It starts out (on the PiDP11) good and recognizes my RSTS V7.0-07 RSTS with Tape as seen below… but shortly just hangs! Well… I gave it the old college try!
Dave does a PDP related video
Recreating a BSD Unix an running it on his 11/83 The Hardest Thing: Building and Running the UNIX Kernel from Original Sources
New RSTS/E Sysgen boots!
Started OK. Tape drives? Still have same BUFF.SYS problem on the PiDP11. RSTS V7.0-07 BillB Install (DL0)Option: You currently have: JOB MAX = 10, SWAP MAX = 31K.Default memory allocation table specifies some existing memoryas being nonexistent.Table will be reset by RSTS. Memory allocation table: 0K: 00000000 – 00207777 ( 34K) : EXEC 34K: 00210000 …
Redid RSTS/E Sysgen
Version 7. With tape drives and card reader. I didn’t want to, but I did… vary tedious. Oddly, my old log (that I referred to) only added the card reader, not any tape drives. Hopefully I answered correctly. Keeping in mind that I use these simh commands, to attach my tape, for my Basic-Plus program. …
No response yet, on my pidp11 issue
Here. It’s been 2 days. There is only 1 other issue from 5 days ago. They asked for feedback.
My RSTS PiDP11 error
My RSTS/E 7 with tape drives, works on my simh, but it doesn’t on the PiDP-11 simh, neither do many of the commands. I have no idea how to start it. It’s pdp11 on my system. The instructions say “In short, read the two simh manuals: the general simh manual and the simh-PDP11 manual. I …
Using simh on the PiDP-11
Simh is highly configurable, and though it might be daunting at first, some of itsspecial features are worth knowing. You will likely use boot.ini to enable storagedevices and attach disk/tape image files to them, and end with a boot command tostart the freshly configured PDP-11. But you can also enter a program through the inifile, …