I just got to say how great this free little program is. What a great addition to X-Plane. I just upgraded it for my return to X-Plane. It told me there was an updated version.
Monthly Archives: December 2024
Start getting back into X-Plane
It’s been awhile. I’ve always called it a simulator some call it a game. There’s no real objective other than flying from point A to Point B, and you don’t score points. It follows actual aerodynamics and flying principles. So I don’t feel it’s a game. A lot of my computer projects lately have been …
So I’ve struck out on 2 computer projects lately
#1 – The PiDP-11 project. Wanted to get my RSTS/E tape OS, over there. Being a loner, I’ve made my peace with lack of support. As they say… it is, what it is.Quite honestly it’s way more important that I figured out how to get the Basic-Plus program to process IBM EBCDIC tapes on RSTS/E …
Continue reading “So I’ve struck out on 2 computer projects lately”
New Docker DB2
I can’t believe how long I worked on this crap and got… NOWHERE! It’s called icr.io/db2_community/db2:latest and says it was created 2 months ago. Start Here. So many questions. I know just enough about docker to get me in trouble, and even less about DB2. And the goal was to get some DB2 hands on, …
Tried to install IBMs DB2 locally
It failed because me… bill don’t have write permissions on /home/bill/sqllib/ I even manually created the directory… same error! Here are those permissions I always wanted to play with IBMs DB2 to see how similar or dissimilar it is to the SQLs I know. My IBM mainframe database experience is with ADABAS. In hindsight I …
Downloaded new Anaconda
Yep… did that!
WordPress Comments
It appears people can only leave comments on new posts. There is a checkmark for that, but even if I uncheck it, the comment option is there. Also there is a way to allow comments on any post by selecting Open in Discussions on that posts sidebar. It also appears to have zero effect. I …
Cloned terminal-simulator
So with the github ssh problem fixed. I git cloned the terminal-simulator for the VT52 & VT100. Ran make and gave them a try. Can’t paste my ssh password. I mean it’s obvious now cool-retro-term(included because I don’t think I ever have)
github ssh problems
Why is this an issue… AGAIN! I don’t want to become a ssh expert every year. I read all the how to’s, I set it up… I use it… it works. Time passes then it doesn’t work. I got an error saying something about not having github ssh keys. I look… there are none. Why? …
PiDP11 Newsletter December 2024