This was something I thought would be interesting to do. However… surprise… people have already done this. Like years ago. I also found a interesting YouTube video, where the guy goes through this process for TK4.
It is a good video. And I learned you can change your TK4 password at signon. Cool.
He explains that you loose your changes. And he has another video explaining how to add persistent storage to docker. But I made the following comment…
I enjoyed your video. Interesting to see how you did this. I’m just now digging into docker again for the 3rd or 4th time. I learned something new about changing the password right at signon. However using “docker run”, creates a new container each time, so you loose your changes. If you instead use “docker start -i <container id or name>”, which you can find by “docker ps -a” it will use that existing container that has your changes. Assuming you’re shutting down properly. Your way is still useful if you want to be persistent between NEW containers
He responded politely. And pointed out that it’s an old video… which was aware of.
It was a good video though.