Dave of Dave’s Garage, does another PDP-11 video. I think that brings him to 9 videos (see here), not counting the short, on this important computer in computer history.
In date order…
1-Ultimate LED: The PDP-11 DASBLINKENLIGHTS! [E6AVqch7X9k]
2-I Bought the HEAVIEST Computer on eBay: The PDP-11⧸34! [XT6t2L3SVM8]
3-Bare Metal Coding: Big Iron! Assembly Language on the PDP-11⧸34 [9v1YIn30Tvw]
4-UNIX on the PDP-11: Zork, Star Trek, and More Live on the Internet! [xWsToR9Anqw]
5-Solving the Primes to ONE TRILLION on the desktop! Plus PDP-11 vs Threadripper tested! [MeqfAIcDekk]
6-What's Inside a MiniComputer? The Frankenstein PDP-11! [GJfeli6H_dc]
7-iPhone 16, Password Security, Facebook Censorship and PDP-11s: Shop Talk! [zMd0nIthyPM]
8-From Core Memory to the Internet: Amazing History of the PDP-11 [iAkMImwXkWo]
9-How To: Formatting the Ancient Hard Drive in a PDP-11 [FOONsywfj-w]
I added the prefix so they get sorted in the order I want… release date. There are 2 #1’s because evidently, the Title changed, but they are the same!