This is my smart watch app. I previously set this up. My password manager has a email/password. But this is the screen I first get…
I entered my email, but what does it want for Captcha? Usually I see matching images. If I press Get Captcha. I’m just presented with a countdown screen…
Countdown to what?
I decided to check my gmail and they sent me a verification code. WTH? Why ask for Captcha? Also a 60 second countdown, expectation to receive a email is ridiculous.
Just let me enter my userid/password then let me go on with life, like 99% of the apps do. I have could got everything from my password manager!!!!
At the very least simply ask for a verification code… not a Captcha! I would have assumed a verification code would have been sent by email.
But Noooo. You have to involve another app. Computers are supposed to make things easier. But bad developers without common sense can really f#%k things up!
Did they just send their developers to signon screen conference. Where they were were told how not to design screens and they missed the how not to part, because they walked in late?