TRS-80 Super Star Trek

Back with one of my favorite topics. I was contemplating creating a Star Trek YouTube video. Contrasting the PDP RSTS/E version with the TRS-80 version. I have a TRSDOS version that works however my computer back then was a cassette storage system. So I wanted one I could load from cassette. I recently found a cassette Star Trek image but it was too different from the one I was use to and it didn’t have a shields command. However I have the source from the “Basic Computer Games TRS-80 EDITION” by the same guy who wrote the “Digital Basic Computer Games”…David H. Ahl.

Anywho I had worked on copying & pasting Basic source code into the TRS-80 before. But wasn’t totally successful. Some lines would paste perfectly…others not! I had previously determined if I added an extra CRLF to the ends of the lines I was more but not completely successful. So I revisited that effort today because I really wanted a cassette image from the TRS-80 book. Long story short, every time I added an an extra CRLF to the ends of the lines I was more successful. Finally by adding 4 extra CRLFs to the ends of the lines I was successful. I did this programmatically using Python. I also updated my SDLTRS notes with this information.

My TRS-80 only had 16K memory. The emulated TRS-80 has about 48K. But this SST is around 13K so it would have ran on my TRS-80. As seen below.

CLOAD (SST…you don’t type this!)

So SST is 48340−34858=13482 bytes