Lost 2 HDs. But retrieved Thunderbird.

I have been backing up important files to a flash drive. So hopefully losses are a minimum. But hadn’t backed up Thunderbird in a while. So computer finally mounted that drive and through some miracle I was able to transfer a Thunderbird tar I did on the 12th. Extracted it and Thunderbird opened it fine.

How to highlight areas on the screen with Kdenlive

I want to make a follow-up video on using the Z390 interactive debugger or TEST mode, and realized I really need to be able to highlight areas on the screen with Kdenlive. The tutorials I saw were overly complicated…Effects tab, shapes, alpha shapes, then another screen with like 10 settings..and so on. Another video using …

Z390 TEST mode hanging

Was having a problem with Z390 TEST mode hanging on the command line, but not on the console. Long story short I had to use the nocodepage option because the special characters were causing the hang. You don’t need it in console mode.