Julia PyCall

Successfully used a Python library from Julia! May not sound like a big deal, but have tried unsuccessfully in the past. Suspect problem at my end, possibly install issues between Python 2 and Python 3. But now Python 2 has gone bye bye!

Big Data

I remember when a million customers records was a good size database…not so much today. I talked about Big Data recently. In this article Programming languages: Julia touts its speed edge over Python and R. They mention a benchmark that looks at Apple stock price states – open, high, low and close – using a …

NextCloud laziness

I’ve been very lax in the use/upkeep of my NextCloud server. So finally updated from 18.0.3 to 18.0.7 I really need to play with and explore NextCloud more. The GoodServer mostly turned off and disconnected from the network The Bad and the Ugly…and stupid!Crossed my fingers, rolled the dice…and updated without doing a backup.