Well I thought I had a handle on doing Manjaro updates…apparently not! After using Manjaro most of the time for the past 6 months. Once again a Manjaro update screwed it up. This was by far the longest that I stayed with another distro. But after the latest huge (~2GB) update, I couldn’t even do …
Monthly Archives: July 2020
Uninstalled Bolt CMS and installed Grav. I want something simple yet nice. I found Bolt perplexing at least for as much learning I want to do to put my Log file online! Grav seems interesting. Now need to learn to use it. Doesn’t appear to come with an admin page. Perhaps the best way is …
Every time I turn around, this (or some other baloo program) CPU hog is running. I want to do a system update but would rather do it when the CPU use isn’t so heavy. What good is indexing your files for speed if the rest of the system is slowing to a crawl? Anyway dolphin …
Annoying WordPress issue
Frequently WordPress tells me The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below. Followed by a Restore The Backup button, which appears to be the only option. Well what if I like what’s below? How about a No thanks, Einstein. Keep The Version Below button? There is a x in …
phpMyAdmin error
Trying to use phpMyAdmin because a Bolt config file [config.yml] implies it’s using MySQL, and I specifically wanted to try it because bolt says it defaults to SQLite. Also I looked using Filezilla and found a .db file with zero bytes. So I wanted to check if the install setup a MySQL database. More wasted …
Installed, now Playing with Bolt v3.7.1 ! Per their recommendation I setup a subdomain for it. But first! Contacted my Web Host because Softaculous reported PHP version problem.So their response was to change my PHP version to 7.2.32 so Softaculous would install bolt. I could have done that myself because I already knew how to …
Bolt Install…fail
Having looked at features and requirements …I’m ready to install using Softaculous in cPanel. Bolt’s web page (home page…no less) says PHP 5.5.9 and higher. So what is the first error I get? The following errors were found : PHP version is less than the required 7.1.0 More wasted time!
WordPress search for a replacement
Never did I expect something as basic as a search to become an issue. Especially for a top rated blogging software. Not even a top rated…the top rated! What good is it if I take the time to document procedures. If a search can’t find it!!! Probably easiest to choose something offered by my web …
WordPress search
WordPress search sucks! And by sucks, I mean it doesn’t return all posts that match the search! I guess it’s my fault for expecting something as complicated as search to be reliable. After all who would ever consider using a computer to do something like that? I mean really if somebody could figure out how …
I was correct about Manjaro updates
My thought about the latest Manjaro updates screwing up my Linux Mint was correct. Thankfully I had a Manjaro clonezilla image from 7/13 (10 days ago). Restoring that image fixed my Linux Mint screen resolution. Of course now I’m back to square one and still need to apply ~2GB of updates. So that will be …