I should add that using many of the features of gnuCOBOL may also help familiarize me with IBM COBOL advancements because as stated in the FAQ…GnuCOBOL implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002, and COBOL 2014 standards, as well as many extensions of the existent COBOL compilers. And the COBOL versions that run in the Hercules OS’s are much older than that. Also gnuCOBOL also has a MVS compatibility switch which I haven’t tried yet. As of this date IBMs current COBOL is called Enterprise COBOL for z/OS (v6.3), and the overview mentions the COBOL 2002 and 2014 programming standards. I downloaded some older IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS manuals (v4.2) and they also referenced COBOL 85.