Hercules mainframe emulation, while not the sole important use of Linux for me, never the less has become an important and enjoyable aspect in the use of my Linux distro of choice. Something that I was hardly aware of a few years ago has been something I frequently…on and off, use.
So I Got Hercules and my programs installed and working on Manjaro…so far so good.
However I started being concerned about getting 3270 terminal emulation working in Manjaro.
After installing x3270…I got the following error
$ x3270
Warning: Cannot convert string “--helvetica-bold-r-normal–14--100-100-p-*-iso8859-1″ to type FontStruct
Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font
Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font
Error: Aborting: no font found
I also installed the nostalgic 3270 fonts at the same time.
But removed them to see if that was the problem…it wasn’t.
After googling a few things I installed the following…I think only the 1st 3.. But it still didn’t work. I almost gave up, but after rebooting [not for that purpose]…it worked. I don’t know which, but assume only one was the solution. I Still get the 1st Warning message, but not the last 2. This is the same Warning as my Mint distro.