A few days ago I attempted to use clonezilla to backup Manjaro. I have my 2 primary OS’s, each about 30GB) on a SSD (sda as far as linux is concerened) volume. Mint is on sda1… and whatever is my current testing backup OS (Manjaro in this case) on sda2. For some reason clonezilla didn’t reflect this fact. It was showing nothing on sda2 and a suspected (because of it’s size) Manjaro on sda7. In addition it was showing other partitions that in total exceeded the capacity of the SSD (250GB). Needless to say I exited the program. I then went to Mint and double check everything using it’s disk utility, and everything was as I expected. So I reattempted Clonezilla and everything was back to normal. Very strange and concerning : (
Is this foreshadowing a possible SSD problem?