Got the IMSAI 8080 emulator working. The computer came out in 1975 and was a clone of the MITS Altair 8800 that came out prior. My log/blog 1st entry shows the Jan. 1975 Popular Electronics cover with the Altair. They labeled it the 1st minicomputer kit because the term microcomputer hadn’t yet been coined. It predates the Apple & TRS-80. Microsoft was created by Bill Gates and Paul Allen and who sold their Altair Basic to MITS, their first customer.
I think the reason I have a fondness for this computer is that front panel resembles the DEC PDP-11 series of computers I used early in my career, that also had a front panel of switches that you toggled to bootstrap the OS…RSTS/E in my case. The IMSAI 8080 was also Matthew Broderick’s computer in the 1983 movie WarGames in which the question was asked…Shall we play a game? And he almost set off Thermonuclear War. Very cool how you can toggle the switches and spin the screen replica in 3-D. Booted CP/M 1.3. Basically it looks like the YouTube demo, from the creator Udo Munk. I created a very short video that doesn’t really add anything to what’s already out there but it’s larger than many and the picture becomes very clear after 20 seconds. More info about the emulator here.