I’ve been trying for a few days, to find a good way to get real looking data records into a MVS dataset from a local Linux file. It’s been fairly tedious and unproductive. So this success was a big morale boost to me. For me this was a major hurdle. Finally successfully loaded 1000, 141 …
Monthly Archives: October 2019
Local JCL security solution
Sure enough if I add USER=userid,PASSWORD=password to my job card submitted locally from Linux, I don’t get the RAKF (tk4’s version of RACF) error.
Playing with virtual tape in MVS
Such a big task learning MVS. But fun…so far. I don’t mind banging my head against the wall a little bit, but I need some success along the way. As I said before, I’d prefer writing JCL and programs locally on Linux. And I have had some success submitting some jobs there. However some of …
Mainframe emulation…create AWSTAPE!
Well an important step has been conquered…submitting jobs [JCL] to MVS 3.8 from my local Linux environment. The next thing important to me, is getting data, perhaps a lot of data into the mainframe. Everyone is different so this might not be as important to someone else. However to me I need to feel that …
Submitting JCL to Hercules/MVS (tk4-) from Linux
At the beginning, especially for a new MVS person, I find it easier to write my programs & JCL locally in Linux using the superior full screen editors (almost any!) available. Personally, I like to use the VS Code IDE. So I needed a way to submit these jobs to MVS, found 2 methods, #1 …
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MVS (tk4-) FTP
The task of getting files (especially large data) from Linux to MVS is very important to me. FTP, seemed like it would be a obvious option. YMMV but for me it’s too unreliable! Was easy to retrieve a member using GET in FTP, however using PUT in FTP…failed! Thinking it could be a permission problem, …