Want to install LAMP stack. Had problems previously installing each piece. So I installed my current distro in a VM…then cloned it (incase I needed to get back to beginning quickly). Install LAMP piece by piece, but had problems with phpMyAdmin. So restored clone. and reinstalled using XAMPP, much easier but still a problem with phpMyAdmin which was fixed with a config change.
Updated VM virtualbox to latest version which seemed to fix my 64 bit Linux install problem. Next install a REAL standalone server (Ubuntu server 64bit) with no GUI on a VM. Makes it easy just select LAMP, SSH and email. After server install…install phpMyAdmin. Again a problem with phpMyAdmin…couldn’t log in. Turns out, at least in this case, to logon, it wanted the MySQL password. Silly me sinse, at install, it asked me for a phpMyAdmin password, I assumed it wanted the phpMyAdmin password to sign-in, but nooooooo. Also install Webmin afterwords. Then install PROFTPd within Webmin (Un-used modeles) for FTP access. Sinse it’s console based…I can’t paste commands into it…however by SSHing into it I can. So I have a real web server I can access from my non-VM linux by using the servers IP address (ifconfig fom the VM gives you the IP address).