Django class...first challenge!

For the first challenge I'm having a little problem understanding Django links. It seems that links in Django html are referenced in first. At least that's the way it seems in my Django infancy. A basic html link is a simple thing where you can point to an html file either in the program or the url address bar. If this html file is in a folder you would address it like …/folder/file.html if you don't specify a html file name it looks for index.html in that folder. Anywho I created, a Django about.html file but I can't seem to reference it by the file name, Instead I point to the file in and address it, seemingly as a folder? So the link looks like "…/about/", however there is no about folder, only an about.html file.

Learned a little about bootstrap to prettify your site.

2021-01-22 01:27:12