
Don't know why I didn't mention I've been using the Signal android app for many months now. KeePass has a creation time entry that says 5/14/2020, Bitwarden reports updated Sep 25, 2020. I guess I don't always associate android with computers...even though it is an OS. Also they have a Linux desktop program that you can use with other Signal users. I started out just with my daughter. Now also my mom. I haven't really been very vocal about it or pushed it on others. I did ask a mobile medical company to install it, months ago, because they wanted me to text sensitive financial info to them. Which they didn't I didn't do either.

I'm bringing it up now because evidently it has recently seen a big jump in users.

Side note: I used Telegram before Signal but I don't have the creation date, evidently because I created the account on Android then forgot to sync with my desktop. It's probably on an android backup somewhere.

2021-01-09 13:30:35