FTP problem

Yesterday I FTP’d to my web host to delete a bunch of files. At some point the FTP program stopped working. I tried quitting and restarting. I could signon fine but when I tried to copy over a file I would get...

Command: USER billslit

Response: 331 User billslit OK. Password required

Command: PASS ****

Response: 530 Login authentication failed

Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

Status: Disconnected from server

This error plagued me for a while. Id contact tech report and there response was "The IP has been unblocked now".

I did some research and tried a suggestion of using "username@domain.com" for username in Filezilla, instead of just "username" which I always did up until now and that worked…for now!

2020-08-16 23:53:00