11ty Computer Log

Reading this article about Creating A Blog With Eleventy . And it described adding front matter to markdown files (450+ in my case) and it suggested creating a base-layout.njk file which is a Nunjucks template, and adding "layout: base-layout.njk" to the markdown front matter. Front matter is stuff between beginning and ending dash(s) "---" at the top of the markdown, that mean something to the static site generator. Look at me using web developer terminalogy! So this front matter was created for the Hugo Static File Generator and not 11ty. I thought I'd write a Julia program to add the info. However after looking at the index.js file I saw that it was an easy change.

I still may have to write some type of program to further process these files. Because it would be easier for me than coding JavaScript. Also some of the file names match the title and some don't. They don't sort within the directory in any meaningful way to me.

2020-08-08 20:36:42