WordPress search

WordPress search sucks ! And by sucks, I mean it doesn't return all posts that match the search! I guess it's my fault for expecting something as complicated as search to be reliable. After all who would ever consider using a computer to do something like that? I mean really if somebody could figure out how to do search reliably they might make a business out of it. Evidently Wikipedia doesn't use WordPress.

So I guess I still need to keep a simple text log. Because search always works there. So it's best I resume updating my text log file then cut & paste into WordPress...extra work. When I'm using this as a log...search is very of important! Why is something as seemingly as simple as a search not be reliable? How hard can an MySQL search be? Something like WHERE field LIKE '%search words%'. In my quick google search I remember seeing a post about this in 2017. It wasn't an extensive search just hoped to find a simple fix. As far as I know there may be search issues 10 years ago.

Perhaps I'll look for something else other than WordPress to handle my logs. Something simpler. Maybe something exists that has a decent export to text feature without requiring a plugin.

2020-07-24 17:40:49