More on Julia and SQLite

While I'm excited to get back into Julia, I think I should take it slow with any program using the SQLite package. A quote I always liked kept popping up in my head overnight... Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - George Santayana. And if history has shown me anything it is I can't rely on this package not to break down the road.

So yesterday I was finally, once again, to able to do basic SQLite activities...connect to the database, perform a SQL select and retrieve rows, in a very basic program. I will hold back for a while doing anything meaningful using SQLite in Julia and continue using Python3 for that purpose.

Besides my most meaningful Julia/SQLite program to date was my generate fake random customer data program. Which at the time was a rewrite on my Python program and proved much faster. However as I returned to Python 3 and found the mimesis package, I no longer feel the need to persue speed increases using Julia.

So...for a while as each new version of Julia comes out, I will run this basic SQLite program as a test, until I feel a sense of stability.

I should mention, at the time of this post...

Julia is version 1.4.2 and SQLite.VERSION reports the same...version 1.4.2

2020-07-19 12:20:22