Udemy VS Linux Academy

Well as of today I must say the Udemy course, Data Analysis with Pandas and Python, which I only started yesterday, for me is better than Linux Academy's Using Python for Data Management and Reporting . The author of the LA course wrote, I feel, a good intro article, Tricks for Working with Data in Python , which made me want to take a deeper dive into his LA course. However IMHO the quality of the course didn't live up to his article. I spent considerable time documenting problems only to be left with the feeling that my words just ended up in the virtual circular filing cabinet. More time complaining than learning.

Positives of the LA course

It is run from the cloud, so you can resume your work anywhere.

It is focused on Linux.

I think it was also going to get into SQL.

However the above positives, especially the first point, are a general feature of LA and have nothing specifically to do with this author/course.

I must say, The original guy that I dealt with at LA [before they went A Cloud Guru], was very nice and accommodating.

Positives of the Udemy course.

The author, so far, explains things very good.

Cost. Very affordable! Cost given upfront.

Negative of the Udemy course

Since I spend most of my week away. I would have to reinstall everything on another computer.

I didn't really mind installing the rather large Anaconda programs, because I'm getting very interested in data science. Also it's fun playing with Jupyter Notebooks again...I feel I'm gaining a better understanding of it's usefulness.

2020-06-21 11:30:27