Linux Academy course errors

Lots of errors in this ( Using Python for Data Management and Reporting ) course. I reported a small omission earlier. I think they use to say they'd get back to you...they don't now. At the end of a lecture they ask if it met your expectation or needs improvement . I responded... needs improvement .

Here is what I reported...

The text below the video doesn't match the video. In the video the major points seemed to be about loc, iloc, isin and the tilde(~). None of that was in the text below the video. Instead the text, repeated the text below the previous video, "Grouping and Counting Data" and "Slicing (Filtering) Data". Also both this and the previous video includes "Creating a Basic DataFrame From JSON" which was covered several lectures previous in "Lecture: Creating a panda DataFrame and Examining Its Properties, Part 1".

At this point the best thing I can say about this course is that it sparked an interest in me. At the very least it makes me want to look or further look into Jupyter Notebooks , Anaconda , pandas and dataframes.

It takes quite a bit of effort to write these complaints up. Especially a complaint like this where I had to go back an look at other lectures. Also, trying to double check things to make sure I don't erroneously report something.

I had hoped to get the certificate of completion. But at this point I'm only 41% through with the course. I might learn more by playing with this stuff and watching YouTube videos myself.

I have to ask myself does The Cloud Guru buyout play any role in this?

2020-06-14 20:25:18