Speaking of versions...and I was

Whichever way I query on the command line...is usually wrong. It Seems like it use to be prog -v or sometimes prog -V then somewhere along the way it changed to prog -version or perhaps prog -Version now often its prog --version or is it prog --Version? In the preceding sentence it's hard to tell that preceding the option are 2 dashes. Out of edit mode multiple dashes look like one long dash. Oops did I say dash? Evidently to prove your technical ability today, somewhere along the line you now say tack . So prog dash v...total noob, prog tack v...experienced professional! After all isn't tack much easier to say than dash? Ummm...no! In 50 years will it be prog ------------version...many multiple tacks ? One things for sure, it's going to be the last possible variation I try : (

Light bulb moment. I should write a version script [version prog] that tries them all :)

2020-04-19 16:03:55