Linux Academy Certificates of Completion

I've received a few Linux Academy Certificates of Completion without my name. So I reached out to them with the following email.

"I have recently observed some people displaying their Linux Academy "Certificate of Completion" on LinkedIn. I noticed the "Presented To" has their name printed below that and above the "Student" on the certificate. This makes sense, however my certificates don't. My name is not there, it is just blank. For example , which has the founders name [they no longer do] and was issued shortly before the A Cloud Guru acquisition. I realize it's not an actual certification so I assumed that was just the way they were supplied. However, apparently not. I have actually not completed some courses which I might have, because I felt I got what I wanted out of the course and certificate without a name seemed kind of meaningless. I also realize I could edit the PDF and add my name myself, for my personal collection but that didn't seem right. And that wouldn't solve the problem with them being linked to on LinkedIn."

For example I skipped the section "Installing a DEB Package" in the LPI Linux Essentials Certification because I've use DEBs for quite a while, and didn't feel I needed a Hands-On Lab. I did do the "Installing an RPM Package" which I also have done, since I ran Red Hat and Fedora for a few years in the past. But it was a long time ago. After 25+ years of using Linux, I didn't feel like I needed a 45 minute Hands-On Labs about using the command line either. I could go on...but I won't. To be sure I did learn some things and I expected to, too. No one knows it all. Just explaining why I skipped some things. Now that I've fixed the name issue there's more on an incentive to complete the tasks...even if it may be tedious.

I received a quick response and it turned out it was a easy fix. I was pointed to the following fix .

2020-03-17 21:43:40