Submitting JCL to Hercules/MVS (tk4-) from Linux

At the beginning, especially for a new MVS person, I find it easier to write my programs & JCL locally in Linux using the superior full screen editors (almost any!) available. Personally, I like to use the VS Code IDE. So I needed a way to submit these jobs to MVS, found 2 methods, #1 works everytime, #2 worked once...for me!

Job submission method #1 [1 step, specify file name on devinit]

After entering the following, the job will be submitted to MVS!

HHC01603I devinit 000C path/SORT.JCL [type on hercules console! Looks in tk4 base dir if no path givin]

Job submission method #2 [2 steps, uses Netcat in Linux, don’t specify file name on devinit]

Type locally in Linux!

bill@billb-MS-7B79 …/Hercules/MVS/TK4/tk4-_v1.00_current $ nc localhost 3505 < SORT.JCL

bill@billb-MS-7B79 …/Hercules/MVS/TK4/tk4-_v1.00_current $

HHC01603I devinit 00c [type on hercules console!]

2019-10-05 03:10:59