Ubuntu Server 18.04

Installed today on free Dell computer. Will be headless, but obviously need monitor and keyboard to install. I thought I might use as a Plex server, but don't really like the idea that the computer needs to constantly be on. So presently considering installing NextCloud. There was an option to install NextCloud which I selected. I believe it installs it as a snap.

I had some problems connecting to the server due to misconfiguration on my part. I setup a static IP address after the install. This server uses something called netplan which is new in 18.04. You modify it's config file to define a static IP.

Create [with nano] /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml

### Insert the following [the below pluses represent spaces necessary for indentation] ###


+version: 2


+enpxxx: <<<<< ethernet interface…use: 'ip a' on this computer to identify

++dhcp4: no

++addresses: [] <<<<< a static IP address you can use to login to this computer

++gateway4: <<<<< use: 'route -n' on main computer to find!


+++addresses: [,]

After creating the above file, type the following to activate

sudo netplan apply

Afterwards I could logon to the Ubuntu Server by:


Other useful things:

Remember this server is headless [no monitor,keyboard] so everything entered on the command line using the SSH terminal

First thing to do after 1st logon!

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Orderly Shutdown

sudo shutdown now

sudo shutdown -r now [to restart]

It also appears that quickly pushing the power button on the Dell causes the server to perform a shutdown

2019-07-29 22:06:18